


The border on a cast plaque is cast integral with the plaque and is generally highlighted by either a stroke-sander, a buffing wheel or hand-rubbed to provide a pleasing contrast with the background finish.

Standard Borders
These consist of flat borders and are available at no extra cost on all standard sizes. Some designs are not practical on small namestrips under 3″ in height.

Straight Edge (SE) (no border)
Single Line (SL)
Bevel Edge (BE)
Single Line Bevel Edge (SLBE)
Double Line (DL)

Ornamental Borders
Decorative borders based on classic designs are available at additional cost on most standard sizes. These borders are dimensionally sculpted and hand finished. Because these are custom made, often they are used in combination with an unusual shaped or sized plaque.

Egg & Dart (with
optional corner
detail) 5/8″, 3/4″,
7/8″, 1″

Beaded Bevel

Lamb’s Tongue
3/4″, 7/8″, 1″, 1-1/8″

Ivy Leaf
3/8″, 1/2″, 7/8″)

Oak Leaf

3/4″, 7/8″, 1″

7/8″, 1″,1-1/8″, 1-1/4″

Reed & Ribbon

(inside curve) 1/2″ minimum

Water Leaf
(with optional corner detail)1″

Adam (1-1/2″ minimum width)
Floral Stencil (5/8″minimum width)
Greek Key (5/8″minimum width)

Flat Decorative Borders
These borders are produced from black & white line art. Borders are raised the same height as the plaque lettering and are highlighted to match the raised copy. A few standard examples are shown; others can be easily created from artwork.

Helpful Hints

  • Most of our standard borders are sized in proportion to the size of the plaque. If exact border dimensions are required (for example, to match an existing plaque) please specify when ordering.
  • In addition to the width of the ornamental borders shown, custom widths may be sculpted by our pattern makers.
  • Most of our borders – particularly the ornamental and flat decorative styles – may be cast and provided in lengths for use with other sign or decorative elements.