General Specifications for the surface finish of cast letters are identical for waterjet-cut letters. The letter returns (edges) for cast letters are ground and sandblasted. The edges for waterjet-cut letters have a fine matte finish.
Clear Coatings Protective clear coatings are used on all metals except for stainless steel and Alloy 2024 polished aluminum. Coatings are available in gloss or semi-gloss.
Specify Interior or exterior installation. Coatings for exterior installation are polyurethane-based.
Brass, Bronze, Copper & Muntz Metal Finishes
Satin Natural metal color with a brushed surface. Meets NAAMM finish designation M42-M33-C11-060. Specify vertical or horizontal grain on waterjet-cut letters.
Polished Natural metal color, sanded with successively finer abrasives and then buffed to a bright polished surface essentially free of grit lines caused by preliminary operations. Meets NAAMM finish designation M42-M22-C10-060.
Oxidized Faces of waterjet-cut letters are brushed to a satin finish. The letters are then dipped in an aqueous sulfide solution to achieve a golden brown statuary finish. Meets NAAMM finish designation M42-C55-060.
Variations in color from piece to piece can occur since this process depends largely upon chemical reactions. Color will vary from a rich golden hue to almost black. Specify Light, Medium or Dark Oxidized.
Stainless Steel Finishes
Satin Stainless Steel
The natural metal color with a brushed surface. Meets NAAMM finish designation #4 (brushed satin) or #6 (finer satin). Specify vertical or horizontal grain on waterjet-cut letters.
Polished Stainless Steel
The natural metal color buffed to a high gloss, obtained by polishing with successively finer abrasives, then buffing with fine buffing compound. Meets NAAMM finish designation #8 (essentially free of grit lines).
Random Orbital Stainless Steel
The natural metal color with multi-directional brushed lines, achieved with a random-orbital sander. Meets NAAMM finish designation M35-M4x-C10-060.
Aluminum Finishes
Satin Aluminum
The natural metal color with multi-directional brushed lines, achieved with a random-orbital sander. Meets NAAMM finish designation M35-M4x-C10-060.
Polished Aluminum
Faces of letters are sanded with successively finer abrasives, and then buffed to a bright polished surface essentially free of grit lines caused by preliminary operations. Meets NAAMM finish designation AA-M42-M21-R10.
Random-Orbital The natural metal color with multi-directional brushed lines, achieved with a random-orbital sander. Meets NAAMM finish designation M35-M4x-C10-060.
Color Anodic Faces of letters are prepared the same as for satin aluminum. The integral color anodic is achieved using an acid electrolytic process. Available colors are Black, Light Bronze, Medium Bronze and Dark Bronze. Meets NAAMM finish designation AA-M42-M33-C11-A34.
Satin Anodized Faces of letters are prepared the same as for satin aluminum. The entire letter is then clear anodized by immersing the letter in an acid solution and passing an electric current through the solution. Meets NAAMM finish designation AA-M42-M33-C11-A31.
Polyurethane Painted Faces of waterjet-cut letters are sanded to a smoother finish than for satin aluminum. The entire letter is then sprayed with a two-part acrylic polyurethane paint and cured.
Colors available:
16 standard high gloss colors
Black & White in gloss, semi-gloss and satin finishes
4 colors to match bronze and black anodic shades in satin finish
Custom colors from most standard color designating systems